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Learning Lessons In Joy- Meditative Journaling Series

This morning I had a thought...

During my morning journaling session, I realized for the past few weeks that I have been learning an important lesson. I won't disclose exactly what that lesson is just yet (I may write about it separately), but it is a fundamental lesson that some of us usually learn in painful and uncomfortable ways. That is currently not my truth. The truth is, a couple of years ago, I set the intention that I would "...only learn lessons in joy". And that intention is still resonating here and now. The date of the journal entry where I set that intention was 5/13/18. So, imagine my surprise when those words came rushing back to me, ringing in my ears as if I had just said them to myself days before. Spirit has a way of constantly reminding us that not only are we on the right path, but also that we are loved and protected while walking this path.

A couple of years ago when I wrote those words, I remember being in a dark place. I was going through a rough marriage, constantly thinking "Why is this happening to me?", I had recently lost my uncle whom I loved like a second father, and my career was suffering because of the issues with my marriage. I was depressed, my anxiety was out of control and I had little-no desire to really participate in life. That is to say, I was simply waking up everyday going through the motions but not really present in my own life. I had allowed myself to become a victim of circumstances. I was out of balance. I was blocked. I was working against myself. I was going against my natural flow.

But I was still hopeful, because even in the midst of all this, that same day, I managed to write affirmations like "I am grounded, I am safe...I am beautiful, I am at peace, I am certain and accepting of what is right now". I had the desire to understand and see the full picture of what was happening, to make sense of it and to use it to motivate me and propel me forward. That is exactly what I did.

By the time the 'only learn lessons in joy' journal entry happened, I had been writing my stream of consciousness for a few years already. My journaling was and is an important tool in my spiritual practice. What made this day different is, I decided to change my narrative. Up until that point I had been simply accepting "what is". Not questioning thing, not taking responsibility for my part in the way my life was happening, and not realizing that I have the ultimate say so in the life that I want to have through what I choose accept and what I manifest. And absolutely not realizing that my say so included HOW I want to learn life's lessons. I believe we are all here for a reason, and with that over-arching reason there are sub-reasons that come with lessons attached. For example, if we are here in this lifetime to learn how to love, we will experience every type of love: romantic, platonic, conditional, unconditional, etc. and we also get the lessons that come along with those experiences. The thing that most of us don't realize is, lessons don't have to always be hard. It is completely possible to learn something and retain the information through a loving and joyful experience. Does this mean that along the way there won't be challenges, or hurdles, disagreements or anything like that to make you uncomfortable? Absolutely not. But the key difference is, looking back in hindsight, a lesson learned in love and joy won't leave you traumatized, potentially irreparably damaged, or leave your life completely turned upside down.

So, by now I'm sure you're thinking "how?". How can I make this happen for myself? The answer is simple. You manifest it. If you don't already have a meditative journaling practice, I recommend that you start one. Even if you don't have any type of spiritual practice or anything like that, meditative journaling in its simplest form is great for releasing emotions and managing stress and anxiety. Lots of behavior health professionals even recommend journaling as part of cognitive behavior therapy. Once you start your practice, or if you already have an existing practice, the manifesting is all about intention. Write what you want and desire clearly, plainly and with as much detail as possible and have the intention of those desires in mind as you write. Once you've done that part, you do the work. "Faith without works is dead". DO THE WORK. You dig, you feel, you cry, you forgive, you work, you hustle, you do whatever it is that will assist you with getting closer to your desires by adding the tangible part of the equation. I always tell people that if you meet the Universe halfway, the rest will be taken care of for you.

These are the basics. If you want to know more about meditative journaling as a practice and want more details on what my personal practice looks like, how to manifest, set intentions or anything else related to meditative journaling, stay tuned for the rest of the Meditative Journaling Series. Each post will go into more and more detail and focus on specific elements of meditative journaling as a practice. Don't miss it!

For reminders about posts and other content from Mystic Kreations Co. follow me on IG @thecamillajo and @mystickreationsco

Peace & Love- The Mystic Madame

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